Friday, December 27, 2013

Adding monitors in HP ALM for a load test scenario

Dear Performance testers,
Today we will see, how we can add monitors to our load test scenario in HP ALM  tool (Application Lifecycle Management).

1) You should have ALM login access for your project (If you don't have ALM access then request your project lead to help you in creating one)
2) Performance module should be added to your project, other wise you won't be able to see Lab Resource tab in ALM under your project. (if its not there, then check with your project lead)
3) You must be added to Admin/Performance Group of the server (web/app/DB) you want to monitor, otherwise you won't be able to fetch the server counters in ALM.

So if you fulfill the above 3 requirements then you are all set for next step.

Step1: Open HP ALM in browser (the url may be something in this format and click on Application Lifecycle Management link

Step 2: Enter Login Name/Password and authenticate. Then select the domain & project and click Login

Step 3: Under Testing tab, click on Test Resources

Step 4: Create a new folder (ex: Demo) and then click on New Resource icon.

Step 5: Enter any name for the server monitor (ex: Demo Server1 Monitor) and under type select Monitor Profile and click OK

Step 6: Now click on Monitor Configuration tab of newly added server monitor and then click on Add monitor.

Step 7: Select the server type (ex: Windows resources)

Step 8: Enter Server IP (note, Server name will not work), give username (note, give complete domain\username) and password. Click get counters

If you have access (admin) to the server then you will be able to see the counters else you will see an error.

Step 9: Select object, Instances & Counters and then click arrow button to add it in Selected Counters box.

Step 10: Once done you will be able to see the counters added and you are ready to use the same during load test.




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