Monday, September 2, 2013

Loadrunner scripting Issue - Warning: The string 'xxxxxx' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter.

My fellow Performance Tester,
If your are getting this error while replaying your newly created script and you are trying to find answers on internet then it means you are new to performance testing scripting using Loadrunner. But this doesn't mean that you should feel disheartened, rather its a good sign that your are learning new things.

Ok.. now back to the issue..

The simple reason behind this error is that you are trying to use the variable before you substitute any value to it. Let me explain it more.

ex: There are 5 service calls in your script i.e. web submit data ( ..........) or web_url (.........) etc
Service call 1 = accessing appln
Service call 2 = Login
Service call 3 = search
Service call 4 = open record
Service call 5 = Logoff

And you did a correlation of request id (ex: {corr_requestID}) just above 4th service call (while opening record).
While substituting you substituted all the request Ids present in the script with LR correlation variable {corr_requestID}

unluckily, you missed to see that there was one request Id passing in 3rd service call also (i.e. search),
and while substituting the request ID in search also got substituted :(

So now when you try to replay the script, Loadrunner doesn't understand what to substitute at search for {corr_requestID}
because this variable does not contain any value yet and will only get once the replay reaches 4th service call.

And thus the warning comes, which means that Loadrunner does not understand whether {corr_requestID} is a LR variable or not :)

Note : LR variables are denoted  and distinguished from C / JAVA variables by opening & closing curly braces ex: {corr_productNo}

Moral of the story:
Do correlation at proper place ex: in our example it may be in Login transaction or search. The script may not give error for this but will eventually fail at the step/service call where it requires the correlated variable/value to proceed (most of the cases its in URL or item data).

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